Hi! This is a thing now! Why?
The pedestrian part of the story is that I’ve wanted to try my hand at Substack for a couple of years now, but life happened, eh? Just before the pandemic I’d gotten into posting on my blog more regularly, but it never seemed to get much traction, and…you know, pandemic. I was caught up in the whirlwind and doing a lot of composing, but not much regular writing beyond sermons. Those began to take up a lot more time after I switched placements.
This year, though, I’ve not been given nearly as much preaching time, and my writing has been sparse. Then, dear Rabbi Danya’s weekly email popped into my inbox and she was talking about the new Notes app. I liked what I saw, and it seems like a great time to finally get started.
The Less Pedestrian Part
As I continue down this strange path of priesthood as a queer nonbinary mystically inclined person, I find that voices like mine are springing up from hidden thickets, but there are still not many of us, and there are not many of us writing or speaking from a Christian perspective. The little community I pastor is starting to grow, and as we do I see more and more nonbinary and trans folks coming through the doors looking for a place where they can be themselves and learn what it means to be queer and nonbinary in a Christian context. Picking my way through the thicket, trying my best to untangle myself from internalized transphobia and loneliness, I hope I can be a friend to anyone who is looking to discover what it might look like to be gender/queer and Christian.
Who are my people?
Anyone! But I’m insisting on appropriate transparency, vulnerability, open-mindedness and good faith…and it’s MY space. So if you’ve come here to just tell us we’re disgusting and wrong and sinful, I’m turfing your a$$. If, on the other hand, you’re looking to explore, learn, grow, and get super geeky about theology, gender, sexuality, mysticism, and art’s role in all of the above, this is your ‘hood!
How often will I post?
This year is the year of Me Trying To Be More Spacious. So I’m starting off with two posts a month, aiming for the first and third weeks, probably on a Saturday. This one’s functioning as the first.
So far this is free, and I’m thinking at the moment that I’d like to aim for something kind of like what Luke O’Neil does, with both free and paid posts.
I guess that’s all I have to offer at the moment! I can’t wait to see you and hear from you all. <3